Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lent and Fasting

 In case you didn't know, I am the worship leader at my church. [I am also the office manager but that is another story :) ]  We are having a congregation-wide prayer and fasting emphasis for 40 days during Lent.  The emphasis officially started today but some in the congregation started last week.

During the weeks leading up to this emphasis Pastor Herb and I (along with others) spent considerable time learning more about the spiritual discipline of fasting and then shared what we learned with the whole congregation on Sunday mornings.  On March 6 I shared a teaching time called "How to Fast" during our worship services.  Here is a link to the audio of my sharing time...

Wendy Talks About "How to Fast" at a New Song worship service

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Wendy! First of all, it's exciting to see how the Lord has transformed you, physically and spiritually! Congratulations on all of your hard work and getting healthy!

    Could you contact me via email? Thanks!

    Kristen Feola
    Author, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast
