Friday, August 3, 2012

Wendy Approved Recipe - Chocolate Protein Oat Pancake

From the kitchen of Wendy Scott… 

Chocolate Oatmeal Protein Pancake

Makes 1 pancake

¼ cup old-fashioned oats
1 serving chocolate protein powder
1 Tbsp. cocoa powder- natural unsweetened
2 scoops organic stevia extract
            (or 1 stevia packet)
1 Tbsp. lecithin granules
1 pinch sea salt
1 large egg

1. Combine dry ingredients in bowl
2. Add egg and hand mix until combined -mixture will be very thick
3. Stir in small amounts of water until desired pancake batter consistency
4. Pour batter on heated skillet
5. Cook on medium heat until one side is lightly browned and solid enough to flip
6. Turn the pancake over with a spatula and cook the other side until lightly browned and firm
7. Serve immediately or cool and wrap for an on-the-go meal

  • Garnish with chocolate chips and/or stevia 
  • Add ground flax seed
  • Use 2 or 3 egg whites instead of whole egg  
  • Use unsweetened almond milk instead of water  
  • Mix in chocolate chips (I do this for my kids)  
  • Top with natural peanut butter or almond butter  
  • Omitting lecithin granules will work but batter will not be as consistent and final pancake not as fluffy 
  • Nutrition Facts do not include chocolate chips or other optional ingredients and are based on 21 g Aria Women’s Protein Chocolate Shake Mix.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wendy Approved Recipe - Chocolate Fruit Dip (Greek yogurt!)

From the kitchen of Wendy Scott…

Chocolate Fruit Dip

Makes 1 Cup
(To share or not to share?  That is the question!)

1 cup Greek yogurt- plain/nonfat
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder- natural unsweetened
6 scoops organic stevia extract
            (or 3 packets stevia)
¼ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 dash ground allspice
1 pinch sea salt

1. Combine all ingredients in bowl
2. Hand mix until creamy
3. Serve immediately or refrigerate

  • Serve with strawberries or try with your favorite fruits
  • Optional stir-ins…
    -Nuts (try almonds or walnuts)
    -Ground flax seed (healthy fat)
    -Mashed banana
    -Chocolate protein powder
  • Nutrition Facts do not include fruit or optional ingredients.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Color Run

Start out with nice clean white running outfit...

Run a 5K with 12,000 other color lovers and enjoy...